Welcome to the Scholarship Website for the
Wyoming Area School District
Class of 2025
This website is designed to help students and their families navigate the scholarship requirements.
Students must submit their scholarship applications online using the Google Form no later than
Thursday, January 30, 2025 at 11:59 PM EST.
Let's begin by exploring the scholarships that are available and their individual essay requirements (including scholarships that require an addendum) before moving any further into the scholarship process. It is important to read through the descriptions of each scholarship to determine your eligibility. As you explore the scholarships using the links below, keep a list of scholarships that are of interest to you.
Please select a topic from the list below...
Before you get started, please take a few minutes to review some helpful tips that will help you through the scholarship application process.
- You will be gathering documents and files to submit as part of your application.
- Stay digitally organized! It is easy to misplace documents and files if you are not digitally organized.
- You must save and share the documents and files from your Wyoming Area Google Drive.
- Do not use your personal Google Drive to create and share documents and files!
To help you get started, we developed a To Do List to help you plan your work. Please follow the steps of the To Do List in the order they are listed. Once you have all of your documents and files ready, you can begin working on your scholarship essays.
Let's take a quick look at the individual documents and files you will need to have ready to complete the general scholarship application.
Resume - Your resume should include all of the areas outlined in the To Do List. You should have a resume saved in your Google Drive that you have been working on in your English Language Arts (ELA) classes since your freshman year. You can update the resume you submitted at the end of your junior year to include any new or updated information. This document should be in your Google Drive. The file should be saved in a .pdf format.
Hint: Update your resume from the end of your junior year with the feedback your teachers. Have someone take a look at your resume again. Ask your favorite teacher or a family member to take a look at your resume one more time to see if there are any updates you can make to make your resume really stand out among the other resumes the donors will read!
Letters of Recommendation - You will need to have two letters of recommendation attached to your general scholarship application. The letters of recommendation should be from someone who can speak favorably about your talents, abilities, accomplishments, and potential. Letters can come from teachers, your school counselor, coaches, advisors, community leaders, and anyone else who knows you well. You can use the letters of recommendation that you used for your college or other post secondary applications. If you need your letters scanned so that you have them in your Google Drive, please give them to Mr. Womelsdorf (Room 225) to scan. He will scan and share them with you through your Google Drive. The file should be saved in a .pdf format.
Hint: Make sure your letters of recommendation so not simply restate the information already in your resume. If you have something you would like your writer to include in your letter, share that so they can work that information into their letter. The writer might just learn something new about you!
Letters of Acceptance- You will need to have one letter of acceptance attached to your general scholarship application. The letter of acceptance should be from a college or other post secondary institution. If you need your letter scanned so that you have them in your Google Drive, please give them to Mr. Womelsdorf (Room 225) to scan. He will scan and share them with you through your Google Drive in a .pdf file format. All files should be saved in a .pdf format.
After your have all of your documents and files ready, you will be able to complete the general scholarship application.
General Scholarship Application - The general scholarship application will ask you to provide some basic information about you and your family. If you have any questions, please ask for help! This is the document that gets shared with the scholarship donors and their families. The file should be saved in a .pdf format.
Now that you have your general scholarship application done, you are ready to move on to writing your scholarship essays. You worked on a few essays in your English Language Arts (ELA) classes at the end of your junior year. You can use those essays to apply for a scholarship. Be sure to check the individual scholarship requirements in the event any criteria has changed since your wrote your essay last year. Your essays should be saved in your Google Drive. Make sure to make the document or file shareable in your Google Drive so that anyone with the link can access your essays.
Hint: Read the criteria for each scholarship. Then, re-read any essays you already wrote to make sure your essays directly speaks to the criteria for the award. For example, if you are writing an essay to use for a memorial scholarship, be sure the pronouns in your essay match the pronouns of the scholarship. Also, if you are writing an essay for a scholarship tailored for students seeking post-secondary education in the sciences, make sure your essay focuses on your interest in the sciences to help make your essay stand out along the other essays for the same award!
Check out the links below for your more help!
Do you have your general scholarship application, resume, two letters of recommendation, and letter of acceptance ready to submit?
Do you have your essay(s) ready to submit?
Be sure to double check to make sure all documents and files are shared through your Wyoming Area Google Drive.
All file should be saved in a .pdf format so they can be easily uploaded into the Google Form.
To apply, visit the Google Classroom. The link to the Scholarship Portal is under the Classwork tab under the topic "Let's Apply!"
You will need to be signed into your Wyoming Area School District Chromebook to apply.
Meet Your Scholarship Committee
General Questions
Mrs. Rutledge, Chair
Room 203
Donor Questions
Mrs. Fedor, Co Chair