Health Services


Immunization Regulations

Attention to all parents who have students entering 7th grade and 12th grade in the upcoming 2024-2025 school year!!



In accordance with the immunization requirements issued by the Department of Health in conjunction with the

Pennsylvania Department of Education:


All 7th grade students are required to have : 1 dose of Tdap and 1 dose of Meningitis.


All 12 grade students are required to have: a second dose of Meningitis.


Physician’s documentation of given immunizations IS REQUIRED. This information must be submitted to your school nurse as soon as possible before the start of the 2023-2024 school year.


Secondary Center Nurse’s Fax - 570-602-0585


Email -


Pennsylvania School Immunization Requirements
The Pennsylvania Department of Health is changed school immunization requirements. The regulations are intended to ensure that children attending school in the commonwealth are adequately protected against potential outbreaks of vaccine preventable diseases.

The Pennsylvania Department of Health now requires the following immunizations for entry into school and continued attendance.

Children in ALL grades (K-12) need the following immunizations for attendance:
-4 doses of tetanus, diphtheria and acellular pertussis* (1 dose on or after the 4th birthday)
-4 doses of polio (4th dose on or after 4th birthday and at least 6 months after previous dose given)
-2 doses of measles, mumps, rubella**
-3 doses of hepatitis B
-2 doses of varicella (chickenpox) or evidence of immunity

Seventh through 12 grade ADDITIONAL immunization requirements for attendance:

-2 doses meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV)
      -  First dose is given 11-15 years of age; a second dose is required at age 16 or entry into 12th grade.
      -  If the dose was given at 16 years of age or older, only one dose is required.
      -1 dose of tetanus, diphtheria, acellular pertussis (Tdap)
* Usually given as DTP or DTaP or if medically advisable, DT or Td
** Usually given as MMR

Exemptions to school laws for immunizations are:
- medical reasons;
 -religious beliefs; and
 -philosophical/strong moral or ethical conviction

If your child is exempt from immunizations, he or she may be removed from school during an outbreak.  Pennsylvania's school immunization requirements can be found in 28 Pa.CODE CH.23 (School Immunization). Contact your healthcare provided or call 1-877-PA-HEALTH for more information.


BMI Information

BMI Information is posted to the HEALTH tab on the CSIU Parent Portal.  Click the BMI Parent/Guardian Letter link for additional screening information.  The letter is also linked in the DOCUMENTS section of the district Health Department website.

For more information about BMI, Visit

Please see the instructions on the right to obtain this information on your student(s).

If you have any questions on this or other Health information, please contact your child's school nurse.  The main building number(s) are listed below.

Kindergarten Center - (570) 655-2146

Primary Center - (570) 693-1914

Intermediate Center - (570) 654-1404

Secondary Center - (570) 655-2836

CSIU Parent Portal / Health Information

1.  Navigate to the PARENTS section from the district website and click the CSIU Parent Portal Login

Note:  If you haven't created an account, click the CSIU Parent Portal Registration link.  You will need one of your student(s) IDs to create a portal account and link to any household student(s).

2.  After logging in, click the underlined link for your student(s) name.

3.  Click the HEALTH tab and scroll down until you see the SCREENING section.

You will see the BMI and screening information listed there which can be applied to the BMI Parent/Guardian Letter.  You will need to click the link for each household student in order to obtain this information.  If the student was screened before, you will also see past screening information.
