Curriculum Corner
Mr. David Pacchioni
Curriculum Director
Phone: 570-655-2146 x3311
Professional Goals
Professional Development Goals aligned to A-TSI and TSI plans (submitted to PDE prior to August 31, 2023) and overall Comprehensive Plan to be completed and submitted to PDE on or before October 31, 2023:
What Effective School Leader and Teachers Do...
The school
leader’s job is to work with the faculty to 1) identify the key
opportunities for improving instruction, 2) organize teachers in teams
to research the best practices in the world, 3) come up with a plan
based on that research, 4) implement the plan as a team, 5) evaluate its
effectiveness, and then 6) improve on it. This will require teachers to
work together to design solutions, observe teachers demonstrating the
improved approaches, and critique them to make them better. It will
require teachers to be in each other’s classrooms all the time, learning
from one another. And it will involve a big investment of time on the
part of the best teachers in mentoring new teachers and others. The
message has to be: No matter how good you are, you can be even better,
and, if you are very good, you have an obligation to share your
expertise with your colleagues.
Key Concepts for ALL
Educators to live by and demonstrate from an accountability
standpoint... NOT only Teachers but Administrators also:
best research shows that students will perform at very high levels if
1) expectations are high for all students; 2) all students are exposed
to a demanding, well-conceived curriculum; 3) assessments are designed
to measure the full range of higher-order thinking skills and other
cognitive and non-cognitive qualities now demanded of adults; and 4)
teachers have a deep, conceptually grounded command of their subjects
and work in an environment characteristic of the best professional
workplaces globally (including the incentives to get better at their
work, every day, week, and year).
-The whole school must operate as
the antithesis of a sorting system. The entire faculty must share the
assumption that all but the most severely disabled students can and must
achieve at internationally benchmarked levels, and no stone will be
left unturned to make that happen.
-The engine of school improvement
is not located outside the school; it is located inside the school. It
is the school’s faculty.
-The most effective
way to move forward is to identify the most effective teachers and give
them the opportunity to lead and empower their colleagues to a more
effective school.
+Instructional Best Practices
+Increase PSSA Math/Algebra I Keystone Scores
+Increase PSSA ELA/Literature Keystone scores
+Increase PSSA Science/Biology Keystone scores
+Increase SAT/ACT scores
+Kindergarten - 3rd MTSS/RtI Early Literacy
+Student Engagement
ALL of the Above goals revolve around the structuring of an MTSS shift consisting of undertaking specific work within the Behavior & Academic components as well as being in compliance with new state law - Future Ready PA Index:
-MTSS will be steering the way for our K-12 School Wide Positive Behavior Intervention System (SWPBIS) training/implementation.
-MTSS will be steering the way for our K-3 Reading Instruction
-MTSS will be steering the way for our 4th - 6th grade Mathematics Instruction
-MTSS will be steering the way for our 7-12 Co-Teaching Initiative
Career Pathways, Career Portfolios - College / Career Readiness
opportunities - developing partnerships with LCCC, Lackawanna College,
PSU, Wilkes-Barre, Wilkes-Barre Connect, Chamber of Commerce, local
-These goals & initiatives are currently in the
planning stages consisting of structuring timelines for on-going
professional development & implementation